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Gulf Oil Marine Ltd.
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GulfSea UOA Analytica
Services > Technical Service > GulfSea UOA Analytica





GulfSea UOA Anlaytica (or Used Oil Analysis) is designed to simplify your lubrication monitoring process, helping ship-owners and ship-managers to increase the reliability of onboard equipment and lower maintenance cost.


In collaboration with an experienced laboratory, Gulf Oil Marine designed a fully integrated service, which enables a wide range of used oil tests onboard your vessel, with a quick turnaround of the results.




To manage your own used oil analysis onboard, please follow the below procedures.


Step 1 – Order the sampling kits at any of your vessels port of call


Step 2 – Implement sampling procedures according to the detailed user guide provided and return by pre-paid courier service. 


Step 3 – Analysis report consultancy and data management


Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our services.
